See Your Students Enjoy Reading and Writing Activities

Scrambled Sentences High Frequency Sight Words RF.1.1.a Reading and Writing

Learning to read and write takes a number of years and there is no curriculum that is going to work for every class and every student. We simply have too much diversity in our classrooms. We have students who didn’t attend kindergarten, since in most states, kindergarten is not mandatory. We have students who just arrived in the country and need English second language services as emerging bilinguals. We have students whose communication skills lag due to covid restrictions. Plus, even more importantly than all other factors, we have school standards that expect students to read in first grade regardless of their prior attendance, level, or ability.

Scrambled Sentences High Frequency Sight Words RF.1.1.a Reading and Writing for Primary Grades

On top of that, we have new reading wars. On one side we have a group that has taught students to guess words and on the other side, we have a group that thinks phonics instruction will solve all reading problems. Both are very wrong! What a mess!
So, no, kids should not be taught that reading is guessing words, and also, phonics alone will not create literate students and citizens. Right now, no one is on the same page and mostly everyone is doing reading and writing instruction wrong, be it because being uninformed or being restricted by the school’s scripted lesson plan structures that cover a large amount of content too quickly and don’t meet students where they are.

One major thing Florida’s education system has (in addition to awesome teachers) is the small class size in primary grades, which makes a huge difference when it comes to time to differentiate and provide all my students with instruction to fill their learning gaps. Our Prek – 3rd classes do not have more than 18 students, while mostly everywhere else in the country, primary classes have 30 students. This holds true from Texas to California.

In my effort to provide a well-rounded literacy program. My students are provided with guided readings, phonics instruction, reading comprehension skills, and writing skills. Being that for whatever reason they all arrive with minimal writing skills, my centers always have writing activities that target spelling, sentence structure, and sight-word skills.



Scrambled Sentences High Frequency Sight Words RF.1.1.a Reading and Writing for Primary Grades

The scrambled sentences center is my students’ favorite since it provides them with hands-on activities. They cut, glue, and write sentences that enable them to practice proper punctuation, word spacing, letter formation, and spelling.
To make it more engaging, I always make an effort to plug in their names if space allows. Seeing their names in activities and anticipating to see their names, make activities so much more special.

Scrambled Sentences High Frequency Sight Words RF.1.1.a Reading and Writing for Primary Grades

TO PURCHASE Scrambled Sentences go HERE.
If you would like an editable file to personalize activities for your students, please leave me a message.

Happy Teaching!

Mrs. Lena, M.Ed., M.A.

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